Racial Justice

2020 has been proclaimed as the worst year ever by many. Accentuated by a pandemic, accelerating climate change and a large social mismanagement of the two, this year has caused anxiety, economic and communal pain. Sparked by the unfortunate death of George Floyd, a global uprising for racial justice further sowed shakiness and frustration in the failure of societal structures. In one way or another, this year has touched all of us.

And yet, there have been moments that have united us. We’ve seen people from all walks of life, walk together for each other. We’ve seen increasing demand for reform in the systems and structures in our society. To me, it feels like 2020 was the wake up call for us to band together and create the change ourselves.

Now more than ever, we have to keep our involvement in our communities strong. Whether it’s donating to local or global causes, calling your elected officials to prioritize certain needs, or even wearing a mask when you leave your house, there’s a lot we can do to keep us progressing as a society.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of ways you can get involved. Consider this a starting point, it’s important that we don’t get complacent. We can’t win until we all win.